Monday, May 17, 2010

The Ghost of The Duchess

Moonlight misted in around her form as the shadowed one entered.
Victorian garb of ebony whispers and silken scarlet welcomed the journey of the night
To come, in every man's sight, every man sitting in the pub on a moonlit night,
Every man prepared for twilight but never for the midnight brought by the mysterious
Lady in ever-changing attire. Ebony milk rustled into the room that night,
Intentions never clearer, yet never more mysterious than in the darkest, deepest night.

Mist dissipated throughout the room, until she closed the door on outside's midnight,
Entering in her own loveliness, sublime intensity raging in every motion made,
Towards the bar she entered, not a word, every mishap, every happenstance lingered
Reliant on her touch. Breath itself held in dimensions unknown, for fear of disapproving glance,
A dart that would cease life, to wilted roses bring the peonies of springtime, nighttime
To the brightest day. Her lips began and all whispered into dust of happenstance long past.

Stillness stayed despite the breath of her request. Bartender stood in obedience rapt with fear
of unabate. He has no knowledge of the poor man she sought. Terror may consume him,
But all would turn him in, had they heard of him. Anton Reaion, she said, two words,
A request and demand brought silent terror on each, for everyone knew they must reply,
And no one knew the reason why, but to satisfy the Lady of undefined stature,
And mysterious grace of sable duchess with scarlet threat poised in every motion.

But wait, a tear, the monster of ebony and red breaks, but holds high her honor.
A bloody sun sets in the opaque eyes she closes from the shattering, felt in the core of all surrounding men. Air crackles with the glitter of her pain, once known, but now remembered.
And sublimity becomes ghostly melody. Some protection afforded by elegant disaster.
A broken heart hidden by the majesty of someone only known as something more.

Sublimity the melody of hidden walls of passion closed. Sublimity all affording
Protection from all recalling darkness of her day. Better never known of pains untold,
He who entered place of ill renown, never to depart, pilfering her heart of every joy.
Fidelity disgraced in place ill-known, adoration misplaced in girl ill-found,
Yet in all her life the duchess mourned, and prayed for his lost soul. And wandered all eternity
Every night, in the temple to disgrace, to beg for prayer for he who lost all grace.

The duchess sainted with tragic melodies, mourned eternally the tragedy of love misplaced,
Her selfless heart trembled with the overload of grace, pouring in from above to beg her for him
To pray, for the wronged and the mourning in prayer can bring forth more than any.
Then, for him she pleaded night and day, through time eternal, from yesterday, to every day,
Everlasting quest, each night, she comes, she pleads. She asks his name, that he may in no case
Ever be forgot, and remembered be, for all these prayers she sought.

But in sable scarlet whisper she must come with grace, of upheld honor, and defining face,
Majesty of some sorrow beyond the understood. A Battle in full waged within her soul, and yet,
She ne'er allowed the ill one to take o'er, but sought in time to bestow her power,
Breaking heart heard each night below their bower, shattering felt in glasses heartfelt shower,
Prayers ellicited by the whispered words, Mother Mary, let them all be heard.
And so she fades into the dark midnight, and begins her quest again, to bring him to the Light.

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