Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Home for The Wanderer

The night is a time when thistles grow,
When close kept coons and reindeer tiptoe,
And when such things are all about,
The time rings out to abandon thought,
To approach slumber in the sandman's arm,
And ward off all fears and dreads of man's harm.

But it is in the silence of this night
That I myself find strength to fight
The demons that pursue the quest I lead
To learn who I am in word and deed
They overtake and blacken the vast night sky
But never will I allow them to make me not try.

So I begin this now on a mission for self
For self and perhaps for somebody else
For the one who will read and understand
Of for one who must needs depart for strange land
For there is a mystery I wish to convey
Not here but in something more, maybe, someday.

It lies within reach, I look forward to't
But at times I wonder if I could ever do it.
My artist's heart is wounded by trying too hard
Yet without previous labor I could not reach this far.
So, I engage on this mission, to whittle away
The flaws I fear dearly in name of someday.

So, listen my friends, if willing you may be,
If it please or changes you as it did me
I hope wonder shall come with each passing glance
And I hope for our for hearts, mind and body to dance
And help me to see, Lord, in each day I'm beckoned
And in each word printed make me Your servant.

I embark upon this journey of blogging because I know I am imperfect. It is my wish that in writing everyday, or at least frequently, that I will learn. I wish to write my soul, and I wish to write my God. I wish to paint pictures in the air for all to see. I wish to bring wonder to those who cannot see it, and restore it to those who are too tired to look for it. Most of all, I wish to see it myself. It is a gift, a blessing, that I have been given that I never want to lose. Forever I want to see some sort of magic in a bird that sings, a woman that cries, the trees that whistle. I never want to lose a childlike sense of wonder at every moment I am exposed to and I never want to give up my pursuit of art and its gentle mystery. So, wish me luck as I embark on this quest, I believe in some way that this time is my test, but I enjoy the intrigue of each moment's release and I ask that journey's blessings always increase.


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